Thursday, 10 May 2007

Flashit Competition

I posted this because I wanted to post something quick to fill up my blog =P.

I took part in a flash competition in my University. oh nope, I didn't win anything. =P Kinda sucks. oh well.. I think the winner did some flash animation. How would a flash programmer compete with a flash animator? By making a game of course. But anyway apparently, the organisers delayed in giving out the prizes. I know because they sent out an announcement saying that. But I do wonder whether they gave out ANY prizes... hmm..

I did this game in 2-hours, the duration of the competition. I did everything you see. Graphics, code, etc.

so here's the poster of the competition in a freaking lousy quality but extremely bloated size (i had to re-export it to reduce the size but i assure you the quality was the same as before; it was like 2550x3300,300dpi and i changed it to 300x388,72dpi reducing the file size from 589kb to 35.2kb; if you still don't believe me see

so here's my entry, i do admit its not really good but the topic was only given when the competition started and i only had two hours so there:

would love to hear your comments.

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